Polish dating sites uk

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I consider myself to be intelligent, well educated, attractive, and down-to-earth yet with a sense of humor. I enjoy learning about different cultures and languages. I love to travel. Preferably to places with a tropical climate and crystal blue water i. I can go from watching a football game in flip flops to being dressed to kill in a fine restaurant. I know how to use a hammer and screwdriver! I like horseback ridding, swimming, fine dining, travelling and reading a good book. Somebody who know how to take car... I like to travel and get some new friends. I am not looking for fun by being here, because I dont like to waste my precious time. I need to work a lot so I will be here occcasionally to meet someone who kowns how to give a woman happiness : i am seeking for my soulmate! Thanks for paying attention to my person! I am knocking to your door for happiness! A jeszcze w kilku zdaniach? Jestem twarda, ustępliwa ale - to prawda. Jestem czuła, old szukam kompromisu - też prawda. W trudnych sytuacjach opanowana, przewidująca. Ale zawsze mają na uwadze swój honor. Nie działam skrycie, nie posługuję się oszczerstwem, kłamstwem. W związku stała, wierna, wspierający partnera i bliskich. Mój charakter pomaga podejmować właściwe decyzje. Mążą szanuję i na ogół bardziej niż on sam siebie. Mam normalny charakter, nie Jestem porywczy, Rodzina jest na pierwszym miejscu. Człowiek musi wejść dżentelmena! Nigdy się nie poddawaj! Time to Live is enough to get to know someone but also sometimes one moment will tell you everything. Sometimes it seems to us, that some events or facts in our life, can affect us, but this is not the case. Yea, for a brief period we are changing our behavior, we are good, milsi, can better. But this is only temporary, because it is a cause. Later in time, when the cause ceases, we are going back to their old habits and sins. But we remain the same as those in the depths of what it was. Clever thoughts pursue me permane... Driving auto, submarine and broom. With good manners knife in right, toothpick in left. With a lot of talents sing, danse, can stand on the ears also swallowing the sword. Hostess well wield a frying pan, knitting needles, and live in kitchen.

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